Criminal background checks are an important part of hiring processes for many employers. Increased claims of negligent hiring have led many employers to look into the criminal history of potential employees. These complaints can range from sexual harassment and assault to theft and workplace violence. A criminal history check is often required for promotions or changes in employment. This type of check is not perfect. Here's how criminal history checks work. Federal law does not prohibit employers from asking about criminal history of a person, but the Equal Employment Opportunity Act prohibits them. This information could also be used to violate Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Despite its widespread use in the employment process, criminal records do not provide employers with a complete picture of an applicant's reliability. A criminal background check involves searching court files and police records. Any disclosable court outcomes will be included in the results of such a search. Only exceptions are spent convictions that can be amended by a law on spent convictions. Although the process is different from one jurisdiction to another, most criminal records searches include both state and national registries. The criminal history report will also include information if the applicant is convicted of a sex crime. Private companies offer a variety services. While some companies charge a small fee to conduct background checks, others can charge up to $75. A fiscal intermediary or human resources staff can help you find a company that offers this service. If someone has a criminal background, it's not necessary to hire him or her. It is essential to ensure the safety of your company's interests by performing a criminal background check. There are regulations regarding criminal background checks. Employers must be careful about whether they are allowed to use the information. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces anti-discrimination laws. The Civil Rights Act Title VII forbids discrimination on the basis of a person's criminal record. Employers should seek legal advice before conducting background checks. When hiring someone it is important that you consider all aspects of the investigation. A criminal record check is not only important for the applicant's background, but also for the company's reputation. If a person with a criminal background is hired, the company could be in trouble. Therefore, employers must do their own investigation before appointing an employee. It is crucial to do a thorough background check on any applicant before they accept a job. A criminal background check will report any past incarceration. This information will also be provided if an individual has a criminal history. Individuals who have served time in jail may be denied employment. This person will be denied employment if he has a criminal history. If the employee has been arrested, a criminal background check may be necessary. If the employer has questions, the employee can seek legal counsel to resolve the matter. A criminal background check does not reveal everything about a person's history. It will only report the most recent offenses. It will not report any infractions that were committed at a previous job. If the applicant has no criminal history, a criminal background check may not be required. It's a good idea to verify if they are employed before hiring. If they're not, they may need a court order to seal their record. Employers can use criminal background checks to assess risk and avoid litigation. A criminal background search will show any adult incarceration. It will also reveal any active warrants or infractions. The results of these investigations are valuable in assessing the risk and hiring the right employee. If done correctly, they can help protect a business and reduce liability. Criminal background checks are vital for the safety of your employees as well as your business.